Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only In America...

      Only in America could it be viewed as a good thing to be a political candidate with no previous ties to the national or any level of government. Even though this seems like a complete paradox to me, not to mention bad critical thinking, many candidates are endorsing this title, and what's more, it seems to be helping them in their races.
      Why would any American citizen want a mayor, representative, senator, or governor with no political experience? Is it because they believe successfully running a multi-billion dollar corporation  warrants them the abilities needed to be elected on principle alone? Or, is it because being wealthy automatically means one is wise and trustworthy?
     The truth of the matter, whether one is conservative or liberal, is that in these challenging and awesome economic times, our society needs governmental leaders who are experienced and have exhibited loyalty  and dedication to our governmental system. Candidates such as Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina have not done this. They decry the woes of the present status of our society, but fail to offer legitimate and sound plans to help our states and country recover. Should not this be a warning sign of their inadequate knowledge of how to correctly  govern?
      I am by no means saying that having been previously active in politics  warrants one an automatic spot in  government, but it does lend to their knowledge of what to and not to do in government. I do believe that if someone wishes to be elected to government, he or she should have at least consistently voted in past elections which Meg Whitman has not. He or she should also have showed concern for those that they have previously been in control of which, when they were CEOs of EBAY and HP, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina did not do. I could go on and on, but I will not.
      In conclusion, citizens should be weary of newcomers to government who have no experience to back-up their assurances that they will make great political leaders who will guide us in the right direction; they have no evidence that they will! Citizens need to truly research all their political candidates, and propositions, for that matter,  so that they will be able to adequately choose the right candidate for their community.

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